Communication Dissemination
D1.1 External drivers
D1.2 Internal baseline
D1.3 Potential: Barriers & Services of Vehicle-Grid Integration
D1.4 Common smart charging definition
D2.1 The setup of two European user panels: description of the identified panels
D2.2 Factors influencing user acceptance of smart charging and V2X concepts
D2.3 Improving UX of user interfaces of smart charging systems
D2.4 Recommendations for demonstration projects
D3.1 Requirements and Specifications for the Development of Interoperable Software
D3.2 Schemes and solutions to guarantee data Privacy and Cyber Security for EV charging
D4.2 Forecasting tool and algorithm advancement
D4.3 Advanced flexibility management system description and functionalities
D4.4 Assessment of the potential for edge computing to support e-mobility
D4.5 Local Aggregation and Cluster Coordination Tool
D7.1 Validation Plan and Assessment Methodology & KPIs
D8.1 FLOW project identity and communication material
D8.2 FLOW communication and dissemination plan
D9.1 Project Managment Handbook
D9.2 Data & Knowledge Management Plan