Flexible energy systems  Leveraging the Optimal integration of EVs deployment Wave

FLOW tests, validates and enhances user-centric V2X smart charging solutions and their orchestrated integration into energy grids that deliver flexibility assets to favour additional penetration of renewables and alleviate energy grid challenges.

What is FLOW?

FLOW tests, validates and enhances V2X smart charging through driving patterns of real users on real grids.

  • 10


  • 600

    a year in reduced emissions

  • 1.3

    in saved costs

  • 14%

    local RES increased

  • 4

    RES curtailment avoided

  • Know more

Our Consortium

25 partners ranging from SMEs, all the way to large Enterprises and Academic institutions

Pilot sites

Project activities are going to take place in a wide range of European pilots

  • 5
    Demo sites
  • 5
    European countries

Latest news

Hybrid workshop - Smart Charging = Smart UX Design?

Within the thematic workshop, we will present how the usability of smart charging apps can be ensured. We will address the requirements of the users and present results from three different use cases. Study participants will also have the opportunity to interact with and test a prototypical smart charging app. Finally, there will be room for questions and discussions.

Navigating the EV revolution: unlocking opportunities and overcoming challenges of V2G

As the electric vehicle market grows, understanding the complexities of this ecosystem is becoming increasingly crucial. A recent workshop, organized by the FLOW project consortium and hosted by EATON CZ, brought together key stakeholders to explore the opportunities and challenges of Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) technology and EV infrastructure deployment.

Meet our testbed: Copenhagen

Welcome to Copenhagen! In the capital city of Denmark, FLOW will test smart charging across a number of hubs in public and private charging stations. These sites allow for the analysis different consumption patterns, the quantification of the flexibility that can be extracted from each of them, and the testing of price or emissions-based charging or flexibility contracts.

Picture of Copenhagen, Denmark