Meet our testbed: Rome

Danila Cumbo, from Enel X Way gives us further information:
What are the main objectives of the Demo in Rome?
In a joint collaboration among Enel X, Terna, Enel Grids, Areti and other partners, we are striving to explore how the widespread adoption of electric vehicle (EV) charging can benefit the entire electrical system and its stakeholders. Specifically, we're focused on validating the potential flexibility that EV aggregations can offer to the grid. This involves assessing how effectively EV fleets can respond to slow frequency regulation-like services.
We're studying the behaviour of EV resources and the interest of EV owners in participating in such market, as well as analysing the impact of varying parameters and requirements along the flexibility value chain on the actual availability and participation of flexibility resources. In addition, we assessed the criticalities of the current flexibility market available in Italy and design use cases as a simplifying proxy of current programs.
Who are you targeting? What are the main users involved?
On the one side mass private residential customers charging their EVs connected to the home electrical supply. On the other side we are analysing the capability of public charging stations to dynamically answer to the DSO need to reduce the congestion in specific locations of the LV grid.
How do you engage with stakeholders to ensure ongoing support and collaboration?
For what concerns the private residential customers we are going to offer a remuneration in exchange for their collaboration in the testing phase. We also plan to submit specific interviews all along the testing phase to understand their interest in this kind of service.
On the other hand, on the public charging stations, we will warn the users on the possibility to have a reduced power available for their EV in response to a network need. The remuneration for customers in this case is still under definition.
Why is this demo important for FLOW, how does it contribute to it, and how does it contribute to E-Mobility uptake and the Grid in general?
It is important because it will be a simplifying proxy of the current existing market that has some barriers for DERs participation.
Can you share some key milestones achieved since the launch of the activities?
We have defined the use cases we want to address, the perimeter of the demonstrations and the goal we would like to achieve. Still some details that need additional verification that will happen in May.
What challenges have you encountered during the implementation phase, and how have you addressed them?
We aren’t still in the implementation phase but we are preparing for that. Nevertheless we have already encountered some challenges. The whole demo envisages the contribution of different Parties plus the engagement of the customers which are key in this Demo. Making sure that the different data, telemetries and information are smoothly and timely exchanged between the different actors and the customers itself to make the whole process working indeed is a challenge. Finally, but most important, the lack of V2X vehicles that can participate in the demo.
What lessons have you learned from the e-mobility project so far, and how do you plan to apply them moving forward?
It is still early for lessons to be learnt but we are really enthusiastic about the project and we look forward to seeing the results of the experimentation.
FLOW needs you!
Complete our EV Users Survey
The potential of smart charging can only be fully exploited if many EV drivers choose to participate. That is why it is important to involve users in the development of new charging concepts right from the start. And this works best when (future) EV users are asked about their preferences. To this end, the TUC (Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany) has set up a questionnaire to evaluate your acceptance with the next generation of charging solutions.
Take part in our short survey (10’)!
Who can participate?
Any individual driving an EV occasionally or regularly is welcome.
What is the scope of the questionnaire?
The survey aims to assess mobility and charging behavior, as well as attitudes towards smart charging.
What is the benefit of participation?
Sharing your views on smart charging can help to improve the next generation of charging concepts before their implementation. You can also become a test user at one of the demo sites in Menorca, Rome, Copenhagen, or Dublin. There you will have the opportunity to familiarise yourself with and test innovative charging concepts! If you are interested in our research, we will be happy to keep you informed about the survey and project results.